The stress response is first initiated by which organ of the body?

Apr 3, 2019 | adrenal hormones, autoimmune disease prevention, nature, stress response

Question #3.

The stress response is first initiated in which organ of the body?

  1. The adrenal gland.
  2. The anterior pituitary.
  3. The thyroid gland.
  4. The hypothalamus.

That’s correct! #4

The body responses to physical, psychological, and biochemical stresses by releasing cortisol. Stress is sensed by the hypothalamus, which then releases corticotropin hormone (CRH), stimulating the anterior pituitary to produce adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH), which triggers receptors in the adrenal cortex to release the appropriate amount of cortisol.

The reason for using images of moose? Remember that studies have shown that viewing “charismatic macrofauna” i.e.. big animals with compelling personalities, has been shown to positively impact cortisol levels and improve human health and well-being.

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Dr. David Bilstrom
Autoimmune Functional Medicine Doctor

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