Autoimmune Functional Medicine Doctor
Dr. David Bilstrom, Medical Director of the International Autoimmune Institute at Bingham Memorial Hospital
If you’re searching for a Functional Medicine Doctor to reverse autoimmune disease and address chronic health issues, you’ve come to the right place. I’m Dr. David Bilstrom, an expert in Autoimmune Functional Medicine.
Telehealth appointments available
(before booking an appointment, please keep reading and complete step 1)
For the past 20 years, I’ve worked as an Autoimmune Functional Medicine Doctor helping thousands of people a year reverse and prevent autoimmune and chronic conditions. Without the use of immunosuppressant medications which often lead to adverse side effects that create more disease.
I specialize in getting to the root causes of autoimmune disease. It’s been a blessing to learn the process for reversing hundreds of different “types” of autoimmunity ranging from Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, lupus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, leaky gut, chronic fatigue, and up to at least 100 more.
The first key to reversing your autoimmune disease is for you to understand it is ONE BIG disease that can attack any body part. So whatever your struggle, the foundational steps to begin the reversal process are the same. It’s a revolutionary approach to autoimmune care and for the past 20 years I’ve been on a mission to change the way autoimmune disease is dealt with worldwide. No one should believe their autoimmune disease is a life (or death) sentence.
If you’ve been struggling with autoimmune issues, you’ve probably been told “no one knows why” autoimmune disease happens. And I know this is absolutely false.
The scientific data tells us exactly why autoimmune disease happens and how to reverse it. It’s why I created my Autoimmune Hope course. It’s a 90 minute online self-paced course. It includes a live Q&A group session with me and a 100% money back guarantee. It’s a great option, if you are someone who likes to self-study and wants to ask me questions.
The Functional Medicine Approach
Everything we do together will focus on identifying “why” you have autoimmune disease. Solving the root cause of “why” allows your body’s innate healing intelligence to function properly; ending the “autoimmune process” of your immune system attacking itself.
My goal will be to uncover the underlying dysfunctions keeping you from achieving optimal health and provide personalized solutions, not just symptom management. This includes advanced testing, nutritional therapies, lifestyle changes, and other interventions tailored to your unique biochemistry and health history.
Working with a Functional Medicine Doctor, means everything will be grounded in science. The protocols I recommend always have scientific data that supports the approach. When I wrote the book “The Nurse Practitioners’ Guide to Autoimmune Medicine” I included over 100 scientific references to support the protocols I teach other practitioners to use with their patients. If you know an NP, my book makes a great gift!
Booking Your First Autoimmune Functional Medicine Appointment
Step 1:
Register for my free 7 day email course (Medical Bill Detox) which will equip you with fundamentals of functional medicine for reversing and preventing autoimmune disease.
The free email course will cover the 7 central mechanisms that are key to your optimal health and wellness. You’ll gain clarity on my approach and have time to formulate questions so we can make the best use of time during our first visit.
Step 2:
Take time to visualize the life and health that you want. After 20 years of helping many thousands of people, I KNOW a total transformation in your health is possible. First it starts in your mind. If you struggle to believe it’s possible, join my Autoimmune Hope course and learn the science of why and how. This course includes a Live Q&A Group session with me along with all past Live Q&A recordings to jump start your knowledge and maximize our first visit.
As you study, you can begin some of the lifestyle changes necessary to reverse autoimmune disease. Traditional allopathic medicine offers immunosuppressant medications that have side effects that often trigger new autoimmune disease. We won’t be using those. Your body is built to heal itself. It has 7 central mechanisms that must be functioning “decently” (not perfectly) to keep your immune system in balance.
Step 3:
Call (1-208-782-2444) or email ( the hospital to book your first visit.
Note: If you have online store or supplement order questions please call 1-866-906-6655

I look forward to being your partner in health and working together to uncover the root causes of your autoimmune condition. My goal is to support you on your journey back to optimal wellness. I know the path to overcoming autoimmune disease can feel long and challenging at times, but please know you don’t have to walk it alone. I’m here to provide compassionate you-centered care, scientifically-grounded protocols, and hope each step of the way.
Dr. David Bilstrom
Autoimmune Functional Medicine Doctor