Components of a healthy antiinflammatory diet include:

Feb 28, 2021 | autoimmune disease prevention

This blog is #21 in a series of blogs in the form of questions or statements about a health issue and answers. These are in the typical format used when doctors take tests.

Components of a healthy anti-inflammatory diet include:

  1. Glycemic load
  2. Low Tumeric (curcumin)
  3. Dark chocolate
  4. Limited extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) intake
  5. Regular EVOO intake
  6. 1, 2, 3, and 4
  7. 1, 2, 3, and 5

That’s correct. F.

Reducing the absorption of sugar by eating fiber with carbohydrates reduces glycemic index and the subsequent insulin response that can worsen inflammation. Turmeric is an inhibitor of COX enzymes, which reduce inflammation. The polyphenols in cocoa (dark chocolate) have anti-inflammatory effects, as does Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO), which should be a regular component of an anti-inflammatory diet. EVOO should not be limited but encouraged.

“Got a Revolution, got to Revolution.”  Jefferson Airplane


Dr. David Bilstrom
Autoimmune Functional Medicine Doctornatural treatment for autoimmune disease by Dr David Bilstrom Functional Medicine Doctor MD



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